Grant Information

The BVP Grant Act and Other Resources It appears that for now, the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act of 2000 will remain in effect indefinitely. However, the amount of funding that the BVP gets, the dates of the Open Application Period and the Agency Size Priority changes each year, so it is recommended that this site be checked often. Agencies must apply directly themselves, but it is a very “user-friendly” website. It provides priority funding for jurisdictions with populations under 100,000 and increases the authorized funding level to $50 million each year. Related Grants and Resources Funds are available to law enforcement agencies through several types of Federal grants administered by the Department of Justice. For details on how to apply for these grants, see the information and links below: U.S. Department of Justice Response Center Fax-on-Demand System: 1-800-421-6770. This number offers consolidated information on all federal, law enforcement and corrections grants.
Other Grant Sources

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